We firmly believe there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all financial planning. The 3P Approach was developed and refined through years of experience working with people just like you. Our proprietary process relies on a partnership philosophy and follows a series of six steps that guide us both through creating your unique plan.
Every journey begins with a well-designed roadmap. Specifically, we look at your financial goals, potential life changes like retirement or a career move, your specific compensation and benefits package, income tax optimization, protecting those you care most about through estate planning, your desired level of charitable giving, and any potential business planning needs.
Subsequent meetings expand upon this approach, as we explore your personal financial profile in depth. A hallmark of this approach means our financial advisors work with your other advisors like lawyers and accountants to form a trusted, cohesive team.
We help protect your portfolio from potential hazards as each target is met. With you as CEO, we work as your personal CFO to ensure you stay on track by helping you manage your fears and natural responses to them. In these activities, you begin to see the importance of our process.